Literary Evening “Read Abai, Be Amazed”

On November 8, 2024, the Library and Information Center and the Department of Kazakh, Russian, and Latin Languages of South Kazakhstan Medical Academy organized...

Partnership Agreements with Libraries and Organizations

The library collaborates with the following institutions: JSC Republican Scientific and Technical Library Republican Interuniversity Electronic Library Al-Farabi Kazakh National...

To get UDC / BBK

To get UDC / BBK indices on articles, educational and scientific publications, authors must provide information by e-mail: with a note in the title "UDC". You...

One country one book

В Казахстане республиканская акция «Одна страна – одна книга» проводится с 2007 года по инициативе Национальной академической библиотеки РК и Библиотечной ассоциации...

100 New books in Kazakh

«Болашаққа бағдар: рухани жаңғыру» бағдарламасының «Жаңа гуманитарлық білім. Қазақ тіліндегі 100 жаңа оқулық» КІТАПТЫ ОҚУ

Price – list

Прайс Бастау -2022 Прайс Лантар Трейд 2021-2022 гг. Эрудит Медицина 2022   Прайс Гэотар 2021 каз. Прайс Гэотар рус.яз. 2021 Прайс Лантар Трейд 2020-2021...

History of the Library and Information Center

The Library and Information Center is a core department of the academy, dedicated to supporting academic and research processes and fostering moral...