Library and Information Centre (Library) is one of the leading departments of the Academy, providing educational process and scientific research with documents and information, promotes formation of intellectual environment for the activities of students and faculty members.
The main objectives of the library:
– Formation of the library as an information center, providing a high level of service by giving online access to its own and world’s information resources for all categories of users, developmentof repertoire and improvement of library and information services quality;
– Complex solution to organization problems of a unified library space of the Academy and providing equal opportunities for access to information resources for all categories of users;
– Development of electronic library, which includes works of Academy teachers, training and pedagogical publications, as well as the most valuable publications of the library;
– Formation of skills to use local and remote information resources.

The library fund is universal and includes educational, scientific, fiction, reference, electronic literature, abstracts and dissertations. Every year, more than 20,000 of publications are bought.
Every year the library receives over 130 periodicals according to the university profile. Formed Electronic library of publicationsdeveloped by the faculty ofSKSPhAis formed.
At this stage of development, the library extends the range of information services to users, improving existing technologies and processes of library activity;it improves the quality of reader service. Library structure includes 3 sections. Electronic reading room is functioning, the entire electronic library fund is there. There is a free access to its own and remote (purchased) electronic information resourcesfor usersin the halls and at the Academy territory.
The library provides userswith an organized system of orientation in information, comprehensively discloses the contents of the library collection. This is an extensive reference apparatus: traditional, electronic prospectus and card files.
The whole system of information and bibliographic work is a full and comprehensive disclosure of the library fund, its promotion and assistance to readers. The forms of this work are varied:“Information Days”, “Department Days”, exhibitions, making recommendation and scientific support bibliographies, execution of thematicwritten and oral inquiries. Bulletins of new literatureacquisitions are issued. The information about new literature is available on the website of the Academy and in Academy newspaper “Densaulyk”, in the regular column “News of the library”.
Library is a full member of University LibrariesAssociation of Kazakhstan.