Library Usage Rules

  1. General Provisions
    1.1. These Rules support the Library Management Standard ST 044/006-2018 and aim to organize services for Academy readers.
    1.2. The rules are based on the “Model Library Regulations for Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.”
    1.3. The rights and obligations of the library and the reader are set out here.
  2. Library Rights and Obligations
    2.1. The library serves readers per these Rules without state or other censorship limiting access.
    2.2. The library must:

    • Provide users free information about the collection and help with source selection,
    • Study and meet users’ requests,
    • Ensure inventory management and conservation as legally required.
      2.3. Library staff must:
    • Be polite, maintain cleanliness and quiet, handle items with care,
    • Inspect documents for damage upon issuance or return,
    • Familiarize new users with the Rules.
  3. User Rights and Obligations
    3.1. Access is granted to students, staff, and faculty, with reading room access only for temporary personnel.
    3.2. Users may:

    • Visit the library during hours,
    • Borrow materials for temporary use or for reading room use,
    • Address library management in case of conflict.
  4. User Responsibilities
    Users must:

    • Familiarize and comply with the Rules, confirmed by signature,
    • Handle library materials and equipment carefully,
    • Inspect and report document issues upon receipt,
    • Replace or compensate for damaged/lost materials,
    • Annually renew their registration,
    • Not lend their library card to others,
    • Notify the library of address or phone changes,
    • Return borrowed items on time,
    • Avoid marking, tearing, or bending pages.
  5. Loan Service Rules
    5.1. Students receive semester materials at the beginning and return them at the end of the semester; others may borrow up to three items at a time.
    5.2. Demand may limit the number of copies provided.
    5.3. Users must sign for each item borrowed.
    5.4. Renewals are allowed twice if no other demand exists.
    5.5. Late returns may result in a 10-day suspension of borrowing privileges.
  6. Reading Room Rules
    6.1. A library card is required to access the reading room.
    6.2. A student ID and photo are needed to obtain a library card.
    6.3. Rare and valuable items cannot be borrowed, nor can reference materials.
    6.4. It is prohibited to remove items from the reading room or enter in outerwear.
  7. Consequences for Violations
    7.1. Users violating rules may face disciplinary actions per current laws.
    7.2. Violations may lead to suspension from library use, ranging from one month to a permanent ban.
    7.3. Library staff violating the Rules face disciplinary action per current legislation.